Gaiwan's Clojure Conventions

Project Structure

  • We use Clojure CLI / deps.edn
  • src is for source files, Clojure and ClojureScript or cljc
  • The main namespace has at least two segments, an org name and a project name, so src/org_name/project_name.clj
  • Optionally but recommended, use a reverse domain name for the org name, so you get a (at least) 3-segment name, e.g. co.gaiwan.our-app
  • This main namespace has a -main function that uses lambdaisland/cli
  • Other namespaces in the project are prefixed with the org+project name, e.g. co.gaiwan.our-app.some-ns, in other words all other source files go under src/org_name/project_name/
  • The following will refer to org-name.project-name as prefix
  • resources is for non-source files that should be accessible on the classpath
  • Avoid having files directly inside resources, especially with generic names (config.edn, index.html), because they could easily conflict with other stuff on the classpath. Use prefix instead, e.g. resources/org_name/project_name/config.edn
  • prefix.config requires com.lambdaisland.config, loads the config, sets the prefix, and exposes it to the rest of the app by wrapping the access functions
  • Config follows the conventions as described in the lambdaisland/config README


  • We use babashka scripts where applicable
  • bb.edn should include launchpad and/or lambdaisland/cli
  • bin/dev is where we create dev tasks, it's a bb script using li/cli
  • bin/launchpad is a WellKnownIdentifier that starts launchpad
  • bin/kaocha is a WellKnownIdentifier that runs tests
  • *.local.* and *.local are gitignored (deps.local.edn, config.local.edn, .env.local, etc)