More than 20 years ago, when I first began learning programming languages, I read a line in a book:
C is a high-level language.
But it wasn't until years later, during
Hope everyone had a wonderful time at Heart of Clojure last week!
After the pandemic shutdowns, it's been so hard to find communities meeting in person, so I'm proud
After coming back to Taiwan, a LinkedIn post written by a Clojurian who attended Heart of Clojure soon caught my eye.
Perhaps it's time for some small, new, and incredibly neat
A few more days and hundreds of Clojure and functional programming enthusiasts will descend upon Leuven, Belgium, or tune in online, for the second edition of the Heart of Clojure conference. IT'
Organizing a conference is a giant four-dimensional puzzle. Things are constantly evolving as we figure out the venues, speakers, hotel, lunch, and all the little details. With less than two months to go