Tea Garden

For some time now, we at Gaiwan have been sharing stories of the challenges we face, documenting solutions, and building up a "stack" of libraries and tools that help us get our work done. We wanted to start organizing this information and present it to a larger community. We realized that many of these things started looking like Design Patterns. So in the tradition of the original WikiWikiWeb we decided to create a pattern repository that we could grow and evolve over time.

Thus Tea Garden was born. Eventually, it is our goal to grow a friendly and useful garden of knowledge, something you can come and enjoy if you have a spare moment to learn a new concept, or pluck a few useful morsels from the next time you are starting a new project.

We will publish a companion newsletter, Tea Leaves, whenever there is something of note to highlight. We will let you know when interesting new patterns appear, or alert you about existing patterns that have seen significant edits, together with commentary and insights, so you can find out what's on our mind, and why we're writing about certain patterns at a given time.

While this wiki is not publicly editable, we do very much want your feedback. Currently the main channel for that is the #tea-garden channel on Clojurians Slack. We welcome constructive feedback, suggested edits, new topics that you'd like to see us cover, or just any random pattern-related chat.


  • PatternLanguage - Start Here collection of organizational and architectural patterns and principles
  • UriAsData - Recommends managing URIs as structured data for reliability.
  • DevEnvironmentLauncher - Simplifies and standardizes development setup for consistency and efficiency.


Gaiwan Stack