Heart of Clojure videos, attendee survey results, and diversity report π₯ π π
Hello Heart of Clojure 2024 Attendees,
Although Heart of Clojure was more than two months ago now, we are still working on documenting and evaluating our experiences there.
Read on below to get the news on our conference videos, attendee survey results, and diversity report.
Conference videos
For your viewing pleasure, we've now published all 26 conference talks on Lambda Island's Youtube Channel.
If you want to relive Lu Wilson's call to action to being open with your (messy) work, here it is:
Lu Wilson's keynote talk on "What it means to be open"
Attendee Survey Results
Thanks to all 56 of you who answered our Attendee Survey.
Getting your feedback and perspective on what worked and what didn't at our conference will help us make the next event better.
Also, it's pretty gratifying to know that we did some things right!
If you're curious about what other attendees thought, here's a summary of the survey results:
Diversity Report
I wrote up a report on our diversity tickets program and speaker demographics in an attempt to make ourselves transparent and accountable to our commitments to diversity.
If you're interested, the report is below.
I'm happy to hear your questions and constructive feedback about the diversity report or the attendee feedback results.
We are still working on sharing the photos and slidedecks from the conference and will be in touch soon!
Enjoy the last days of November!
Warmest greetings from Berlin,
Bettina Shzu-Juraschek
for the Heart of Clojure Orga Team
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